In this challenging times we are working hard to keep you connected to your loved ones. We have a video chat service available to keep you in touch.


At Jimbelunga our residents now have access to a portable video chat platform, this is a great platform you connect with your family and friends that are residents at Jimbelunga, even if you can’t make it in person.
Arrange a call To arrange a video chat with a Jimbelunga resident, please first contact our Lifestyles & Activities Coordinator, Sandra Eastwood using email or call 07 3807 0655 Option 5 to arrange a time, once you have arranged a time, please follow the instructions below to prepare for the Video Chat.

Prepare for call
1. Install Skype on your computer or phone. Click this link for Skype download
2. If you do not already have an account, create one. Click this link for how to create account.
3. Sign into Skype
4. Add Jimbelunga as a contact using username Jimbelunga Nursing Centre, to learn how follow this link.
5. At your arranged time Jimbelunga staff will video call you through Skype.