
Happy 80th Birthday Aunty Pam!

Two weeks ago we celebrated Aunty Pam Mam’s 80th birthday in the beautiful grounds of Jimbelunga Nursing Centre. ATSICHS Brisbane wishes Aunty Pam a very Happy Birthday.

Aunty Pam was one of the first Aboriginal nurses in Queensland. She was the first Nurse Manager of ATSICHS Brisbane and the first Manager of Jimbelunga Nursing Centre – where she worked for 15 years.

At Aunty Pam’s party, IUIH also launched the Because of Her project – collecting and sharing stories of Deadly Women from across South East Queensland. We’ll be sending out more info soon about how you can participate.

You can Like and Follow the Because of Her Facebook page here: www.facebook.com/IUIHBecauseofHer/

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