
Aunty Pam gives her stamp of approval

The Jimbelunga expansion is moving along and Aunty Pam has given her stamp of approval when she visited a couple of weeks ago. The idea for the expansion took place several years ago and was discussed with Aunty Pam before she retired.

ATSICHS was successful in securing $12.5m in funding from the Federal Department of Social Services to redevelop the Jimbelunga Nursing Centre site at Eagleby in 2013. The money has enabled much needed upgrades to the existing facilities. Jimbelunga was opened in 1994 and currently has 55 beds, once the entire expansion and refurbishment is completed (expected March 2017), the bed capacity will increase by an extra 19 residents taking our capacity to 74 beds.

The construction is being done in three stages. Phase one began in late November 2015 and is due for completion in early August this year. Phase 2 will include the refurbishment of the existing nursing home. The last phase will see demolition of the three hostel buildings and construction of a new building.

Jimbleunga’s residents are able to watch the progress of the construction site from the main dining room and take great pleasure reporting the progress of the site.

Renee Cole, Jimbelunga’s Manager went for a walk through the new build just this week.

“I can really see the place coming together,” she said.

“The colours, lighting and overall space is fantastic and it is all very exciting to see it finally looking like a home.”

The Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnball also paid the centre a visit in April this year. Our CEO, Jody Currie was on hand to take him through the site and to talk to him about the importance of importance of indigenous healthand aged care services.

Aunty Pam Nam was our first nurse when we opened our doors in 1973 at Red Hill.

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