
A bit of rain didn’t stop our NAIDOC celebrations at Jimbelunga Nursing Centre

A bit of rain didn’t stop our NAIDOC celebrations at Jimbelunga Nursing Centre. Lucky we had a plan B. Residents, families and staff enjoyed a great day and special thanks to radio 98.9fm for coming along. The outside broadcast was a bit hit as well as the great tunes they pumped out on the day. Former ATSICHS director John Lesley (pictured above) was spotted in the crowd as he checked out his grandchildren who performed on the day. It was great to see our nursing staff getting into the NAIDOC spirit with face painting.

Thanks to 98.9fm For the Best Country for coming along and pumping out some great tunes.
Karen, Uncle Pete and Boe were there broadcasting live from 10am until 2pm. Did you hear the shout outs?

We went along to catch up on all the action with 989.9FM Crew as they celebrated NAIDOC week at Jimbelunga. Have a listen to what they said.

#NAIDOC2018 #NAIDOCWeek #becauseofherwecan

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