Michelle O’Brien
Admissions Officer
What do you love about your role?
I have always loved working with the Elders in the community and assisting the aged and vulnerable. I’m working in a role that I love which includes caring and supporting for our residents and also the care and support I receive from staff.
Who inspires you?
My mother, a proud Dhunghutti Elder who put her family above everything else. She was a strong person and had a heart of gold.
What prompted you to get into this industry?
I joined the Elders support program with ATSICHS at Woollongabba to assist Elders in the community with meals during COVID-19 lockdown. I then came to Jimbelunga to work in administration. This job is very rewarding assisting residents and their families.
Share a moment when you made a difference to a resident’s day?
My previous work experience is with Services Australia so I have been to assist residents and families with Centrelink issues, which has been greatly appreciated.
What are your hobbies outside of work?
I spend my time with my family enjoying the great outdoors – going on BBQ’s, fishing and heading to the beach.